Hey besties, it’s #MentalHealthMonday and I’m just here to remind you that we are just coming out of a pandemic and maybe sliding into a recession —- it’s okay to not be okay!!
Be sure you’re taking time for yourself to rest, relax, and be quiet. I call it being a potato, you can call it whatever you like

Drink some water today. Not just coffee or juice or soda … but actual water.
Be kind to yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself five things you love about you. It’s sounds cheesy, but it really can change how you’re thinking.
Connect with a friend this week. Maybe you don’t have the energy to go and do something, but you can just text them and let them know you’re thinking about them.
Most of all, remind yourself that this is hard, people who aren’t struggling are starting from a more advantaged place as you. Don’t feel like you should have it all together.